Don Smith
JoinedTopics Started by Don Smith
Journal of Church and State: WT NO-BLOOD EXPOSE'
by AndersonsInfo in(baylor university, waco, tx) an essay entitled, "jehovah's witnesses, blood transfusions, and the tort of misrepresentation," found in the autumn issue of baylor universitys prestigious journal of church and state, published december 13, 2005, exposes the vulnerability of jehovahs witnesses religious organization to massive claims for compensation because of the religions misrepresentation of the medical risks of blood transfusions.
this milestone essay critically examines one of the religions main publications for teaching their children and new recruits about their blood beliefs, how can blood save your life?
the peer-reviewed essay details many misrepresentations of medical facts, which the religion partly relies on to support its blood prohibition, thus denying its members from making fully informed medical decisions.
The watch tower change to discontinue the system of elective elders in 1931
by Don Smith indear brothers an sisters i made a mistake on my last post {my.
04.feb 05 22:16 not realizing i should have posted it as a new topic instead of reply to post re any one like me where you still believe most of their doctrine .
could some one in authority do that for me if possible .
"Train up a boy according to the way for him... (proof against the Dubs)!
by upside/down inproverbs 22: 6 says, "train up a boy according to the way for him; even when he grows old he will not turn aside from it.
i heard this scripture cited at a district convention and used to show that if the family heads were indeed training their children properly than this scripture would be proved out- because "god" cannot lie.
also, it was pointed out that this scripture doesn't say "he might not" or "probably won't" turn aside- it says he won't turn aside .
Anyone like me where you still believe in MOST of their doctrines?
by inquirer inlike i don't like that un involvment, record keeping.
i don't know what to think about the paedophile stuff, because you could accuse the catholic church of that too.
but apart from those things i still believe that god's name is jehovah, his son is jesus, no trinity, and he died on a torture stake... i love reading the new world translation, i believe it's the best one, but i love reading other translations too!
A proud brother writes. letter to Bill Bowen.
by avengers in"so william bowen, what did you get disfellowshipped for?
i can't believe.
the false information you are giving about jehovah's witnessess.
"my Father is greater than I" and the Trinity
by hooberus in"ye have heard how i said unto you, i go away, and come again unto you.
if ye loved me, ye would rejoice, because i said, i go unto the father: for my father is greater than i.
" john 14:28 .
Apostates receive a letter from the Watchtower
by jst2laws inwe receive a letter from the watchtower yesterday.
thought it might be a card celebrating our disfellowshipping this time last year.
maybe threats or denunciations.
A Really Dumb Error in New Study Book
by proplog2 inare you ready for a really dumb mistake?
im not talking about willful deception.
im not talking about stubborn adherence to a dogmatic idea.
Yes/No - Will the good news ever be preached through out the earth?
by eyeslice inno - not by jehovah's witnesses.
there seems to be no clear line from the society on how much preaching needs to be done before the "end".
the "stones would cry out" principle is sometimes aluded to but i was/am a little vague on the official line.